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Empowering and inspiring students entering the mining sector

A Multidisciplinary Student Organization

The University of Toronto chapter of Women in Mining began its journey in 2014 by introducing and exposing female students in mineral engineering, geoscience and commerce to various career options within the mining sector and equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for success. By hosting networking events, open panels, industry conferences, and case competitions, both internal and external to the university, WIM UofT strives to expand knowledge, understanding, functionality and opportunities for students as they transition from university to industry.

Mineral Engineering
Rotman School of Commerce
About Us

During the summer of 2014, geology students Felicia Da Silva and Rachel Jongsma co-founded the University of Toronto's first Women in Mining Student Chapter, creating a platform for women in the school's Rotman Commerce, Mineral Engineering and Geoscience programs to learn about the various facets of mining and provide the resources required to excel in the industry.

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